Consumer Soundoff
Complaint Submission Form
  1. Name
  2. E-Mail Address (Complete address please!)
  3. How did you hear about Consumer Soundoff?
  4. Please specify search engine name (Yahoo, Excite, etc.), Newsgroup, or 'Other' source
  5. Name of Problem Business
  6. Problem Business Phone
  7. Problem Business website(if you don't know it, you should first find it to file a complaint with their online customer service department!)
  8. Describe the problem as clearly as possible. Make sure to include all pertinent info such as times, dates, names, etc.

  9. Now take time to tell how you would like to see things settled. Remember to be reasonable and be willing to compromise to a certain degree.

Important!! --By pressing the 'submit button' you are authorizing Consumer Soundoff to verify the aforementioned dispute and to work toward a solution with the problem business on your behalf. You also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Consumer Soundoff against all damages, claims, liability, costs, and expenses. Consumer Soundoff may use any information you have provided to correspond with the problem business in question. This information may include, but is not limited to: names, addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, and written statements. Consent is being given for Consumer Soundoff to post this problem on its website. You also agree that Consumer Soundoff will not be held responsible for any damage, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages; and that Consumer Soundoff is exempt from any legal ramifications in this matter. Finally, you agree to have your e-mail address added to Consumer Soundoff's e-mailing list.

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